all postcodes in WS10 / WEDNESBURY

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Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS10 7AD 1 52.551952 -2.020324
WS10 7AG 4 52.552228 -2.019198
WS10 7AJ 1 52.551871 -2.01851
WS10 7AL 12 52.551005 -2.01905
WS10 7AP 1 52.549722 -2.018096
WS10 7AQ 14 52.551781 -2.018878
WS10 7AR 3 52.551655 -2.01963
WS10 7AT 1 52.552021 -2.018387
WS10 7AU 1 52.552096 -2.018274
WS10 7AX 5 52.552587 -2.019346
WS10 7AY 16 52.552632 -2.018741
WS10 7AZ 2 52.551062 -2.019969
WS10 7BA 0 52.550612 -2.020825
WS10 7BB 0 52.550612 -2.020825
WS10 7BW 7 52.557643 -2.041399
WS10 7BG 3 52.558299 -2.042624
WS10 7BJ 4 52.557069 -2.039053
WS10 7BQ 1 52.557053 -2.039737
WS10 7BU 1 52.556361 -2.039707
WS10 7DA 1 52.552293 -2.019498